Author: Bengt J. Olsson

  • SWIS – Western Australia – 2034 SWB system

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos Model– Generation– Load– Hydrogen productionSimulation– Battery– Battery + fossil gas– Battery + green hydrogenConclusionsUpdates– Storage for gas backup– System LCOE for the alternatives– Cost optimized scenarios– “Sensible” gas usage scenarios– Using only hydrogen for backupFinal summary Reading tip: This long blog post has gained a rather convoluted structure with updates added several…

  • Adding storage to wind+solar to get a firm output

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos Fixed casesCost optimized casesResultConclusionsUpdates– Wärtsilä case This tweet created some waves on X. Let’s look at the details. The background was this post on LinkedIn by Michael Caravaggio : In the post Michael presents, upon a question from a colleague, an answer to the question: “How many GW of wind + solar…

  • Analys av SvK LMA2024 EF och EP scenarier

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos ModellSimulering– EF 2045– EP 2045SammanfattningUppdateringar– Större vätgaslager– Bonusscenario: EK – Elektrifiering Kärnkraft– Feedback från Svenska Kraftnät– Errata– Reglerbidrag I den här blogposten görs en djupdykning i EF (“Elektrifiering Förnybart”) och EP (“Elektrifiering Planerbart”) scenarierna från Svenska Kraftnäts senaste rapport, “Långsiktig marknadsanalys 2024“, LMA2024. Dessa två scenarier förutspår mer än en fördubbling av…

  • Scenarios for a Pan-European power network in 2050

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos What if Europe had a perfectly connected power system in 2050? With no transmission network limitations. This will be a long post, juggling large numbers, and with many assumptions that will make this investigation rather speculative. Anyway, you have been warned! What I have done is to use Energy Charts combined data…

  • Portugal 2040, power system according to the RMSA “conservative scenario”

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos BackgroundThe modelSimulationsDiscussionConclusions Background Following the same trend as many other countries, Portugal plans to increase its power generation to support more electrification, especially for hydrogen production to support a Power-to-X industry. In the so-called “conservative scenario” almost all the increase in power consumption targets the latter industry, while “classical” consumption is projected…

  • Denmark 2040 – RE and nuclear alternatives

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos BackgroundThe modelSimulationsDiscussion and ConclusionsUpdate: Nuclear-only alternativeHydrogen storage in Denmark Background Denmark has plans to massively build out wind and solar power and also to produce hydrogen for PtX purposes. Here is a simple model and simulation of how such a power system could behave under three years, based on wind and solar…

  • A simple model for comparing the costs of offshore wind power and nuclear power

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos IntroductionModelResultsConclusionsUpdate 2023-12-02 Introduction Offshore wind power and nuclear power are both complex and costly animals. Both are proposed to provide power in bulk to many regions. Just based on LCOE for each power type, offshore wind power has the upper hand based on a slightly lower LCOE in general. But what happens…

  • Urval av X/Twitter trådar på svenska

    Datum Tråd 2024-05-18 Firming wind + solar power with battery or hydrogen storage (English) 2024-05-04 Levelized cost of… tomatoes! 2024-04-30 Överslag på LCOT (kostnad att flytta elektricitet) 2024-04-14 Kostnad för framställning av grön vätgas 2024-04-07 Uppföljning av analysen av LMA2024 med ett tredje scenario, EK för (“elektrifiering kärnkraft”) 2024-03-24 Analys av Svenska Kraftmäts EF och…

  • Wind, Solar, Biopower and Battery storage model for Western Australia (SWIS)

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos IntroductionModelResultsDiscussion and ConclusionsUpdate 1: Hydrogen store instead of Battery storeUpdate 2: Nuclear power instead of Biopower Introduction The South West Interconnected System (SWIS) power system in Western Australia (WA) is quite interesting for a couple of reasons Here is a balance model for a optimized SWIS power system consisting of Wind, Solar…

  • Två alternativ för 300 TWh förbrukning i Sverige

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter/X: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos This post will be in Swedish since it pertains to specific Swedish conditions. It is a continuation on the previous blog post that is in English. BakgrundKostnaderResultat och diskussionSammanfattning och slutsats Bakgrund I den tidigare bloggen undersökte jag fyra varianter för att tillgodose målet att kunna konsumera 300 TWh, varav 100 TWh…