Category: Uncategorized

  • Hydrogen storage dynamics at the national level

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos This blog is a translation of an article I wrote for the Swedish on-line magazine Second Opinion. In this article, Bengt J. Olsson evaluates different methods for generating the green electricity needed for hydrogen production. His conclusion is that electricity from a balanced national electricity system provides the best and most even…

  • “Power to Products” scenario for Finland 2035

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz LinkedIn: beos Update 2023-04-16: Added a section about the nuclear fueled “Local power” scenario in the end after the Summary. The Finnish TSO Fingrid Oy recently published a report describing four possible future scenarios for the Finnish power system 2035 and 2045. The scenarios are In this blog post, we will examine the “Power…

  • Power balance in Norway 2050

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  Norway is blessed with fantastic natural resources. Not only in the fossil space but also in order to produce abundant amounts of clean power. The basis for this is their huge hydro power capacity. We will here use a simple balance model to depict what the Norweigan power system could look like…

  • A balance model for Denmark 2030

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  The balance model described in this post is used to model the behavior of a future power system for Denmark in 2030. The model is based on production/consumption numbers proposed by “Denmark’s Climate and Energy Outlook 2020” (DCEO) for 2030. The idea with the simulation is to simplify the model as far…

  • Balancing with hydrogen instead of hydro?

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  An interesting “gedanken” experiment would be to have a scenario where hydro power in Sweden is exchanged with green hydrogen power for balancing the power supply and demand. After all, not many countries are blessed with the natural resources in form off hydro power that we have in Sweden and Norway. In…

  • Power balance in Sweden 2020-2021

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  The balance model described in this earlier blog post is very versatile for testing and evaluating different power mix scenarios. In this post we will return to the year of the included wind data which is kind of key to the model. We will look at some aspects of the model applied…

  • SvK EF 286 TWh 2045 revisited

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  The original blog post on modelling and simulating a future Swedish power system describes a balance model and its application on a scenario depicted by Svenska Kraftnät, the Swedish TSO. Please refer to that blog post for an understanding of the model. In this blog post we will look at the same…

  • Solar vs wind power in Sweden 2030

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  Solar power installations are increasing at an exponential rate in Sweden right now. And what it is it not to like about solar power? Provides free energy right into your house or apartment, and if you can’t use the energy just sell it back to your utility company at spot prices. With…

  • Wärtsilä’s concept for base load power generation

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  In an article in the Finnish daily newspaper Helsingen Sanomat, a concept for producing a guaranteed base load power, corresponding to a large nuclear reactor, is presented. Unfortunately there is no reference to a report, but the context seems rather clear from the summary table: So the basic assumption is that with…

  • Intermediate 2030 power system scenario

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  In this post we will analyze a 2030 scenario that is 8 years away from now. The demand is captured from the “Scenarioanalys 2050” report1. In the figure below (from that report) it can be seen that the consumption 2030 will be about 195 TWh out of which 30 TWh are used…