Power System modelling
Power balance in Sweden 2020-2021
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz The balance model described in this earlier blog post is very versatile for testing and evaluating different power mix scenarios. In this post we will return to the year of the included wind data which is kind of key to the model. We will look at some aspects of the model applied…
SvK EF 286 TWh 2045 revisited
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz The original blog post on modelling and simulating a future Swedish power system describes a balance model and its application on a scenario depicted by Svenska Kraftnät, the Swedish TSO. Please refer to that blog post for an understanding of the model. In this blog post we will look at the same…
Solar vs wind power in Sweden 2030
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz Solar power installations are increasing at an exponential rate in Sweden right now. And what it is it not to like about solar power? Provides free energy right into your house or apartment, and if you can’t use the energy just sell it back to your utility company at spot prices. With…
Wärtsilä’s concept for base load power generation
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz In an article in the Finnish daily newspaper Helsingen Sanomat, a concept for producing a guaranteed base load power, corresponding to a large nuclear reactor, is presented. Unfortunately there is no reference to a report, but the context seems rather clear from the summary table: So the basic assumption is that with…
Intermediate 2030 power system scenario
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz In this post we will analyze a 2030 scenario that is 8 years away from now. The demand is captured from the “Scenarioanalys 2050” report1. In the figure below (from that report) it can be seen that the consumption 2030 will be about 195 TWh out of which 30 TWh are used…
Here comes the sun
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz I finally got around to add solar (PV) power to the balance model. As I suspected, this did not significantly change the conclusions that could be drawn from the wind-only model. But of course, for the sake of completeness, we should also include solar power in the balance model. Since I couldn’t…
What if Sweden had no hydro power in 2045?
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz From the previous two posts we have a balance model of Swedens power system, with and without a deficit energy store. It models a scenario depicted by Swedish TSO Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) as “Renewable Electrification” (“Elektrifiering Förnybart”; EF) that comprises 286 TWh consumption by 2045, out of which 85 TWh are for…
Balancing energy store (2/2)
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz In the previous post, for the 286 TWh wind power scenario we concluded among others that we would get a deficit of about 0.93 TWh per year, even after significant flex from hydrogen production. In this post we will enhance the simulation by adding a separate balancing energy store that may resolve…
A balance model for Sweden’s electricity power system (1/2)
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz There is a lot of discussion going on about the electricity system of the future given the big impact it has on all of us. Discussions about renewables and fossil-free are often based on models developed by various authorities or energy organizations. These are often extensive and hardly accessible to anyone…
En enkel balansmodell för Sveriges elsystem
Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz Den här posten finns också som en artikel i nättidningen Second Opinion Mycken diskussion pågår om framtidens elsystem givet den stora påverkan det har för oss alla. Diskussioner kring förnybart och fossilfritt utgår ofta ifrån modeller framtagna av olika myndigheter eller energiorganisationer. Dessa är ofta omfattande och knappast tillgängliga för andra…