Author: Bengt J. Olsson

  • A balance model for Sweden’s electricity power system (1/2)

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  There is a lot of discussion going on about the electricity system of the future given the big impact it has on all of us. Discussions about renewables and fossil-free are often based on models developed by various authorities or energy organizations. These are often extensive and hardly accessible to anyone…

  • En enkel balansmodell för Sveriges elsystem

    Bengt J. OlssonTwitter: @bengtxyz  Den här posten finns också som en artikel i nättidningen Second Opinion Mycken diskussion pågår om framtidens elsystem givet den stora påverkan det har för oss alla. Diskussioner kring förnybart och fossilfritt utgår ofta ifrån modeller framtagna av olika myndigheter eller energiorganisationer. Dessa är ofta omfattande och knappast tillgängliga för andra…

  • Akalla-Husby Nätort – A pioneering broadband network

    About 10 km north of Stockholm, the mighty district of Kista is situated. Kista is well known as the “Silicon Valley” of Stockholm and Sweden. Big corporations as well as young tech-savvy companies resides here and spin out innovations and new ideas that attracts attention both from near and far. But Kista also has two…

  • Money makes the world go around…

    Monetization models Products can be traded in many different ways. Some of these ways can actually contribute to the value of the product, why it is interesting to explore these ways. In the old times, when merchandise was all about “things” that you could hold in your hand or at least see and touch, the…

  • Timing is everything!

    One of my main technical areas through-out my professional life has been to deal with timing aspects in communication networks. How to make sure that data is transported in a timely fashion so audio or video not arrives distorted. Or even worse so that networks performance is not deteriorating, or in worst case collapsing due…

  • History of Adelsfors AB

    Adelsfors has a long history. It was started in 1987 by my father, Bengt G. Olsson, who had then divested his business, an electronics company named Xelex AB, in order to scale down his operations. Adelsfors AB became his platform for consultancy services within electronics design and similar activities. The name stems from a forgery,…